Our Mission
As a result of our geographic isolation; NZ misses out on significant opportunities to engage and participate in new waves of culture & technological innovation.
We are separated by the Cook Strait, The Tasman Sea, The Pacific Ocean and The Equator.
To solve this problem we require locally focused solutions.
Our plan is to help bridge these gaps by utilising networking/P2P/Social democracy or Fan power.
Our Story
As organisers of many events in the past we decided it’d be nice to bring artists to our distant shores without the risk of losing money.
The crowd funding model solves this, so we’ve curated a selection of acts we’d like to see. We hope you’re keen too!
International shows we’ve produced:
Monolake, Thomas Köner, Pierre Bastien,
Francisco López, Sutekh, Nao Tokui
More info: http://version.nz/events